Friday, February 27, 2009

God In A Skirt

I saw God the other day
in a really short skirt
I talked to God the other day
and she was quite a flirt

She said, "Boy, you know you got it."
and I just stared
She kept trying to tempt me
but I just didn't care

I told her this
I told her that
You just can't fool me
with all that gold in your hat

I told that wench
I know you're there
I know you're here & everywhere
I know you just don't care
and yet I can't resist your stench

And so I turned & walked away
I knew I couldn't stay
yet eveywehre I went, I swayed
from smelling that sweet stench
Oh Sexy, Godly Wench.
You truly are a wretch.

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